Washington University Faculty

Rachel Presti, MD, PhD
Associate Professor in Medicine
Medical School: Washington University
Research Mentor:
Research Interests: Infectious diseases, HIV

Jeffrey Henderson, MD, PhD
Associate Professor in Medicine
Medical School: Washington University
Research Mentor:
Research Interests: Bacterial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, iron, mass spectrometry, medicinal chemistry, metabolomics

George Kyei, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor in Medicine
Medical School: University of New Mexico
Research Mentor: Lee Ratner, MD, PhD
Research Interests: HIV latency and reservoir maintenance

Laura Marks, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Medical School: University of Buffalo
Mentor: Jeffrey Henderson, MD, PhD
Research Interests: the pathophysiology of invasive staphylococcal disease in PWID using genomic epidemiology and molecular biology models
Alumni at Other Institutions

Juan Calix, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor in Medicine, University of Alabama
Medical School: University of Alabama
Mentor: Gautum Dantas, PhD
Research Interests: to develop relevant research models with which to develop antibiotic-sparing interventions for the prevention and treatment of infections

Brett Jagger, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor in Medicine, Western Michigan Medical School
Medical School: Indiana University
Mentor: Michael Diamond, MD, PhD

Cynthia Monaco, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor in Medicine, University of Rochester
Medical School: University of Texas, Southwestern
Mentor: Herbert “Skip” Virgin